Mystique Escapade: Unveiling Delightful Surprises with Funtastic Enigma ExcursionsFuntastic Mystery Tour

    A group of people sits and stands around a picnic table under umbrellas in an outdoor setting, enjoying one of the many trips for seniors. Some trees provide shade, and there is a field in the background. Various items, including bags and water bottles, are on the table, with a parked car visible in the distance.

    Don’t you love a group that will climb aboard a bus to head off for the day, to do who-knows-what at who-knows-where? Well the Funtastic Tour Company certainly do, as recently there were enough willing souls to fill their bus and trust them to plan a great outing.

    As we pootled north along the Bruce Highway, guesses as to our destination flew thick and fast. Gympie? Nope, passed that. Maryborough? No, too far. Wait and see. . . .

    Our long-awaited and delicious home-baked morning tea was served at our first stop. It was here we were able to explore a collection of lovely historic buildings, housing an eclectic mix of items that many remembered from their childhoods, giving a real walk back in time experience. Gratifying to see so many objects older
    than us!

    With guests still playing the guessing game, it was on to our next stop – this time for lunch. The landscape became even drier and more remote than the previous place, while we were reliant on at least the driver knowing where we were going. As the road narrowed, becoming little more than a dirt track, the bus finally pulled up and what a surprise to find the carpark full and the interior of an Irish Pub filled with the buzz of a crowd enjoying themselves. Who would have thought? Aptly named, Dusty Hills winery must rely on its reputation to draw such a crowd to a far-flung part of the district. Our sumptuous lunch from a broad menu certainly gave credence to the reason it had drawn such a crowd.

    With more to come, it was back on the bus for the final stop and of course more speculation as to where we were heading. ‘No idea’ was the general consensus.

    Surroundings of vineyards and olive groves supplied the hints to know what was in store next. As we drew up at Clovely Estate, it was for, of course, more wine. With a wide range of tastings on offer, it wasn’t difficult to find a drop to satisfy each palate. Our informative host supplied tasting notes but the wines spoke for themselves, all enjoyed in relaxing shady surroundings.

    Not unexpectedly, the journey home was a quiet one, after a full day of activities and lively conversation, contentment settled the group before the door-to-door drop off.

    New friends had been made, new places explored, just because we had taken a chance with Funtastic to deliver just that.

    Signing up for a Mystery Tour had appeal; had we been told we were heading to MURGON, would we have been so keen? Maybe not!